Saturday, March 19, 2011

Slow me down, please.....

We now have squash and zuchinni growing in the garden! Everything planted to date is doing very well, I am encouraged. The spinach, Swiss chard, cucumbers, et al have true leaves now, and I am feeding them with a weak 'tea'. They love it!

I planted 5 packs of zinnia seeds in front of the pole beans growing on the trellis, and behind the 1015y onions. There was just enough room there to create an island of bright colors.

The birdhouse gourd seeds that we planted last week are up already and Bobby says you can see them growing! That is a scary thought!

I also planted some Armenian cucumbers. I have not grown them before, and I hope they are as interesting to look at as the pictures in the catalogs, and I am interested in their flavor. I cannot imagine a cucumber that tastes like anything other than the regular cucumbers....

We set out the hyacinth bean plants that Bobby has grown in 4" pots. They will fill the fence line and give us some desirable privacy. They are pretty to grow too. I have a cazillion seeds, and I would be very happy to share, if anyone wants some of them. I certainly cannot use all these seeds, and I hate for them to go to waste. It is a pretty vine, dark green leaves on top, with purple on the underside of the leaf. They bloom in the early fall and put on the most BEAUTIFUL, SHINY, PURPLE seed bean you ever saw. I love the beans as much as the flower! Anyway.....PLMK.


Jean Campbell said...

How many years will hyacinth beans still germinate? I have some that look pretty. I'll try them first. They grew here, they might be happy to return.

janie said...

I think they are viable for a long time. If they have not shrivled up, or broken, I would think they are good. If not, I will send you some 'new' ones.

ancient one said...

Okay now... I've seen that Cucumber post on my reader and I cannot find it... "what did you do... decide to go ahead and eat them?", I asked as my mouth waters up... we still haven't even planted any squash and cukes yet...