We are still working on the Native Plant/Rain Garden. Rocks came into play on this workday, and we finally got most of our 'river' rocks moved.
This is one of our brand new Master Gardeners, Jackie. The brand new ones were certified last December, after a year of volunteering 50 community service hours. All our Master Gardeners are hard workers. Jackie is especially hard working. It is just her nature.

It does seem like there are a lot of people standing around, but really, everybody has a job. Cheerleading is my job.
The lady in the hat is Linda, another of our Brand New Master Gardeners, as is Cathy, the lady in the pink shirt.
One of these people laying flagstone is my husband, Bobby. I don't know what we would do without Bobby. He is a treasure.
We teased Cathy, the lady in the pink top about wearing her flip-flops to work in the garden, but she had really showed up for an art workshop for our plant sale. THAT was not until the following Saturday. She was a bit early, but she stayed to help anyway.
We have the other end of the walkway to lay, the bridge to install, tweaking the 'river', and the planting to do yet. We are getting close to being finished. We are trying to find plants that can be donated before we buy plants. The more that we get free, the more money we have to purchase nice plants and nice big rocks. People are happy to donate plants too.
Saturday is our next work day.