This is a different tree, on the other side of the door at the Golden Corral in Marshall, Texas. These are both Japanese Maples. I was apoplectic! Such beautiful foliage, and they chopped them into these tight, miserable forms. GRRRRrrrrr!
I told you we went to Cooper Nursery in Marshall, too. This is the bougainvillia tree we saw there.
I didn't realize what it was until I saw the blooms on the top.
I wish Bobby would let me have a bougainvillia, I would have a tree such as this.This is a great plant nursery. They have a very pretty little garden close to the entrance to the nursery which is dedicated to the memory of their son. It is just lovely.
I really wanted to pull just a few of these yellow LA iris! I don't have any yellow ones anymore...
One more pic I wanted to show, for it shows an application for sedums. I love this sedum, and I have quite a lot of it, but it is all in pots. Look at what they did with it!
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