Thursday, December 11, 2008


I hate cold. I hate cold winds. And now, we have both.

I have lived in cold places. The Michigan UP is COLD!!!!! We used to ride motorcycles along Lake Superior in late June, and the lake was still frozen! But it was not the same kind of cold that we have here.

This cold is wet. The North Wind cuts to the bone, and chills you from the inside out. This cold is numbing, just the worst cold I have ever been exposed to. It is a good thing that it doesn't get very cold here very often. I would have to move South, and we can't get much farther South and stay in the US.

So, I am comfy inside, (except for those pesky drafty places, where we can't seem to find where the cold air is coming from), and I intend to stay here!

I do have to go out to take Lisa the dog to the vet, and I need to stop at the Extension office, and I need to do a little grocery shopping. When I get that done, I can stay in my house for days.

I have a stack of gardening magazines, unread gardening books, and a thick legal tablet, to start my plotting and planning for the new Spring gardens. I have several areas that I want to overhaul next year.

I have lots and lots of stained glass projects cut and ready to work on, so when it gets so cold that I can't cut glass, I can foil and solder it, and finish some of these projects. I am looking forward to those many hours.

AND...I will have time to work on my blog!