I passed this again this morning, and just had to turn around to get a picture. I have been wanting to post it for you to see for a couple of weeks, and I know it will be gone soon. I love this time of year.
This is what is blooming for us.

Our wildflowers are fantastic this year. We just got back from a road trip to Dallas, and the wildflowers were just gorgeous.
It's like a giant yellow carpet. jim
Beautiful! Do you think your better-than-average wildflower display is related to your winter snow? -Jean
Oh, I love, love, LOVE wildflowers. But it is so true if you wait just a few days you can be too late to enjoy them. Thank you for sharing your picture :-)
Hi Janie! Lovely. There is something calming and relaxing about wildflowers, isn't it?
Hi, Janie ~ How pretty..a whole field of them!
That is just beautiful! I love how the flowers all blend into a blanket of yellow.
Do you know what it is?
I don't think Missouri has as many wild flowers as other states. I could be wrong, but I don't see sights like that in my normal driving routes.
This is a carpet of coreopsis, and it is not an isolated field. There are fields and fields of yellow, as well as fields and fields of blue, pink, red, orange, and purple! The bluebonnets are blooming now too, and the Indian paintbrushes are mixed in with them.
FYI, the paintbrushes are not a favorite, as far as I am concerned. They are parasites, and live on the roots of other plants. I always plant extra bluebonnets, lest the paintbrushes leave us without them one day.
Glenda, I remember my MIL coming to visit from Missouri. She came in August, which you would think would be wildflower-less, but she was so impressed with our wildflowers! I was so used to seeing them, I was surprised by her enthusiasm.
Jean, this is really pretty normal, perhaps enhanced by our very wet winter. I saw on the news that you have new snow on the ground there!
AND...it is raining today, and for that we are grateful!
Thanks for all the comments. I always enjoy your thoughts.
Very beautiful...
Hi Janie. Isn't it a wonderful time of the year. So many wild flowers in bloom. The fields are beautiful and the woods. I went for a walk in our state park last week and the woodland flowers were just everywhere. It makes you feel so perky LOL!
Janie, spring is finally here! wildflowers everywhere here in the PNW also. Beautiful landscape shot.
Hi Janie~~ We gardeners can only attempt to emulate the beauty of nature. This is a perfect example of what we all aspire to. Thank you for sharing. Just beautiful.
wildflowers are so gorgeous and so important to our little bees! great shot! xoxoxox
Gorgeous yellow! Coreopsis... fields of it ... how wonderful!
Janie, yes, this is absolutely beautiful!
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