I wonder what that means. Does anybody know?
We cleaned the vegetable garden today. We worked in the front garden today, and we worked in the water garden today. I am tired, and my hands hurt. I have opened that Aspercream I bought, because someone said I should have it in my gardening bag. We will see if it does help.
We pulled the 'old' broccoli today. Well, I didn't- I just went outside to see what Bobby was tilling, and he was tilling where the 'old' broccoli used to be. He pulled the mustard, too, which was going to seed and had pretty little yellow flowers.
I finally got a few potatoes planted. It is late, I know, but they were cut, and I couldn't cook them at this point, so I went ahead and planted them. We put in a bunch of Texas 1015 onions and a bunch of Texas Sweet white onions in too.
We weeded the tire beds - a whole row of tires that Bobby cut for me about 4 or 5 years ago. He cut them and turned them inside out, to make cute little planters. I have grown tomatoes in them since the beginning, but I am thinking I will put something else in them this year. Cosmos, maybe.....
I cut the roses back in the vegetable garden too. I know, I am late....
I had several tires that were not in use as yet, and we set them up and filled them with soil. Soil, cow manure (sterilized, in the bag, .93 each bag, from WM), and we added peat moss to some. I transplanted 'Buttercrunch' lettuce into two of them, planted white radishes in one, red radishes in another. I planted mesclun mix in one, and lettuce blend in another. In the greenhouse, I have squash seeds in 6 packs, as well as zucchini. I planted these in a bit of planting zeal, but mostly because I wanted to plant something. They will be ready to plant outside in a week or two. The beds are ready when they are. I just have to find a place to grow my cucumbers.
I have pretty little 'Bells of Ireland' growing in the vegetable garden. I planted them there one year, and they come up every year now. I love that.
The herb bed is so pretty right now. I have rosemary there, and fennel. Dill, cilantro which is gone to seed, and has sweet little white flowers, and sage are growing in harmony with oregano, mint, and 'Laura Bush' petunias. Sweet peas are going up the wire on the arbor there, and they are blooming too. It is just so pretty!
Tomorrow, we are going to re-locate Bobby's pepper beds. He says no, but I want them moved. It will be much better, and he can grow more peppers. He has to understand that he can't just keep planting those peppers just everywhere! I am going to start pulling them out of my fairy garden; and the front garden, the cacti garden, ornamental grasses and rose gardens. I like the peppers, but not EVERYWHERE!
We have an ikky job to do tomorrow. We are going to move a couple of star jasmine, and I have to cut them back to move them. I hate cutting them back! All that milky sap, it gets all over me, even though I am careful and wear gloves. Plus, I don't want that stuff in my pond. Bobby got me some new koi for my birthday, and I don't think they would do very well with that sap in the pond. The jasmine is growing on the shade house, and I am not thrilled with the effect. They are kind of unkempt looking. I am going to plant a 'Peggy Martin' rose there, instead. It is pretty, blooms almost all year, and has no thorns! The jasmine won't go to waste. I have someone to take it.
The list of things to do is never-ending. I have 3 pygmy date palms to put in the back yard, and a fish tail palm to plant too. I have 5 hibiscus ready to plant back there, but all this entails preparation. I have to move what is there before I can put these things in.

I have Iceland poppies almost ready to bloom! I have foliage on the 'Laura Bush' rose, and new foliage on most of the roses I cut back last week. I have two 'Hua' hibiscus to plant in the front garden, and many verbena, penta, lysmachia, creeping Jenny, and scented geraniums to plant. I have two mandevilla, RED ones! to plant, but one of them got hurt somehow. It split kind of down the middle. I taped it, but I need to get out the grafting tape to really fix it right. I will do that first thing in the morning. I think it will be o.k.
Bobby is already asleep. He worked hard today, too.