Bobby looks happy doesn't he? He was putting in the trellis uprights on this day. He was great, and he is so glad this thing is finished.
We had decided to get it all finished by May 5th, as one of our members was bringing her sororiety through it that evening for a tour. So, on Monday, Peggy, Sonja, Margaret and I met to work. We were joined by Debbie and Kenneth, and we were so happy to see them. It was Kenneth's birthday, so we were very pleased that he agreed to spend part of his birthday helping on this project.This was taken after we had a nice rain. You can see the grass in this picture and in the next. It is sooo pretty! Also, our bridge is in by this time. Sonja and her sweetie, Robin, and Bobby and I went on Sunday to put in the bridge, and finish the trellis'.
We are in the middle of planting this little bald cypress tree here. It has gone into shock since being planted, and turned brown, but it is not dead. We have decided to give it a good chance, to see if it will recover. If it doesn't', I have a couple of others that can be moved to that spot.

We had to backfill our rain garden a bit, as it was a little deep, and didn't drain as fast as it should. We had help from our two trusty Trustees, Mike and Aaron, and got that job done quickly. Then we could plant in that area, things like equisetum and spider lily. We had a load of river rocks and pea gravel to distribute in the 'creek bed', and we cleaned up the rocks that were piled in front of our bridge.
Our last big workday was Saturday, May 3rd. We got the bench built. We are REAL PROUD of our bench!

Janie, it is already IMO beautiful, your group did a fantastic job, love the stone, the trellis ... well heck I just love the whole look of it.
Give yourselves a big pat on the back !!!!
Looks great, I hope to come see it in person soon.
Oh, what a grand project! It turned out so well but we knew it would. I bet it doesn't wait past September to start to leap. The dry creek is wonderful.
Those ladies who scattered seeds must have had a wonderful time. I scattered a few yesterday, such fun.
I enjoyed looking at all the pictures showing the progression of your Native Plant Garden. It looks like it is going to be fantastic. With all the hardscaping you did, next year it is going to look like it's always been there. Great job!
Janie, what a fantastic project. Everything has turned out beautifully! I love the "bench" so much. It's very similar to the gate arbors I'm planning to make, yet this spring. In fact we're on our way to cut more trees now. Have a great weekend!
Ooops....meant to thank you for the tip on sand burs. I will definitely make use of it!
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